Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random Lost Thoughts.

My introductory post:

The title of this episode was LA X-note the space. This means that the season will take place in LA, version X.

The obvious implication of the show is that the H Bomb went off and created two distinct futures-one in which the plane doesn't crash, the other in which it does. We're also led to believe that the H Bomb exploding sunk the island in the alternate timeline. the alternate timeline Dharmaville is intact. One would assume that an H Bomb would destroy everything in its path-Dharmaville and the Statue included. But it didn't. This leads me to believe that something ELSE happens to sink the Island (which I'm sure we'll find out).

On the "Plane lands successfully timeline"-Things of note: Jack's mysterious cut. Desmond randomly appearing/disappearing (can he slip through the different universes?) Charlie trying to kill himself, instead of just doing heroin (I was supposed to die-that's interesting). Jin and Sun aren't married. Hurley is crazy lucky. Boone sans Shannon. Locke went on the Walkabout (...maybe). Sawyer not conning Hurley (yet, maybe). Sayid has an Iranian passport. Alternate version Jack being a man of faith (Nothing is Irreversible), vs. Locke being the man of reason (nothing is going to fix my back). Jack only getting one bottle of liquor instead of two. Christian STILL disappearing. Kate still on the run.

On the "Still on the Island Timeline"-Things of note: Juliet telling Sawyer "It worked" "let's go for coffee" (Will we see Alternate-Juliet say this to alternate-Sawyer?) Finally seeing The Temple, the "Other Others" (Why do some live in the Temple, some out? Are there multiple factions of Others? Why do these Others seem more "mystical", while the Others we've known use technology, houses, normal clothes-NOTE: This is how Richard was dressed the first time he appeared to Ben) The water was murky, as opposed to clean-is this because Jacob is dead? What does this mean for Sayid? Is he now possessed by Jacob? MIB? Himself? Is this how Ben came back to life? Also, Cindy, Zach, and Emma, last scene being kidnapped from the Tailies, then on Hydra Island watching Jack, have been chilling out at the Temple. Being kidnapped maybe isn't that bad.

Back on the beach-We now know the Man in Black is the Smoke Monster. And that the circle of ash keeps him away. Now, because we know that-is the circle of ash keeping him IN Jacob's cabin or OUT of Jacob's cabin? Richard was in chains-Metaphorical chains (Jacob's servant) or real chains (a slave on the black rock?) Where is the Man in Black's home? The Temple? Off the Island?

NEXT WEEK: "What Kate Does".
Also, this:


  1. I was just about to make a comment about Jin and Sun that I missed the first time through. I read a comment about it on a message board and watched their scenes again. Sun is now Ms. Paik and not Ms. Kwon and neither appear to be wearing rings. Interesting. So many subtle clues that will play themselves out over the next few months. Can't wait for Tuesday.

  2. Question: when the Others are about to dip Sayid in the peed in pool and Jenny's abusive boyfriend (love that by the way) says, "There may be complications," could this possibly be a reference back to little Ben being supposedly dipped in there? I mean, we don't know if the water was muddied, let alone if Ben got dipped in there at all, but Ben DOES develop cancer on an otherwise no symptom island. I don't know if this connects but I don't really buy Sayid as the reincarnation of Jacob so I'm looking for something weird to happen to Sayid 2.0 in the near future.
