Tuesday, March 23, 2010

6.08 - Recon

Ok so I know this is way late but I figured I would post something quick about last week before we got to tonight's episode. As such we won't do the full recap. I will just throw out some of the big plot points from last week.

Dear Lost. Sawyer is a con man. I get it. "Confidence Man", "The Long Con", "Recon."

Alternate Time Line

Sawyer is in bed with an attractive vixen apparently pulling his classic con from "Confidence Man" and "The Long Con." Like Cassidy, this broad doesn't bite. She pulls a gun on Sawyer and says that she is married to a con man so he would have to think she's a fool to fall for that. He says he does think she's a fool because its all a set up and the cops are outside just waiting for his go. She should just take the case with a tracking device to her hubby. She doesn't believe him and wants to shoot him. He mutters "LaFleur" and the cops come busting in. Miles throws Sayer his badge and it is revealed that Miles is his partner in the police force.

Sawyer, or James Ford now I guess, is calling people named Anthony Cooper. So it appears there is still a connection. Miles questions him about his trip but Sawyer fumbles. Miles reminds him that he has a blind date with one of his dad's coworkers from the museum. So Dr. Change now works in a museum. I wonder why he left the island.

Sawyer goes on the blind date and it turns out to be Charlotte. They hit it off real well and pretty soon they're back at Sawyer's and the sexing begins. Charlotte goes to get a tshirt and finds a folder with all the news clippings on Sawyer's parent's death. Turns out that Anthony Cooper still conned his parents and his dad still killed his mom and himself. He didn't become a criminal this time though. Perhaps because Jacob wasn't there to encourage him to continue his letter? Sawyer comes back and and freaks out on Charlotte and demands she leave. She's still naked.

Later at the station we see Charlie's brother Liam there to bail him out but he can't get any info. Miles confronts Sawyer about his vacation. He knows Sawyer went to Sydney on Oceanic 815. Miles breaks up with Sawyer.

Sawyer feels bad about Charlotte and tried to make it up to her with a flower and a six pack. Understandably she is not swayed. He leaves the flower and takes the six pack.

The next day Sawyer tells Miles about his parents. He wants to find Anthony Cooper and kill him. But Miles would have talked him out of it. Then they get rear ended by a car. Sawyer chases the suspect down and its Kate. He recognizes her.

Original Timeline

Everyone wants to know what happened at the Temple and Locke says the black smoke killed everyone. Technically the truth. Sawyer wants to get off the rock immediately. Locke is annoyed and brings him into the woods. Locke reveals to Sawyer that he is the smoke monster and Sawyer seems to already know this. Locke wants Sawyer to take an outrigger to the Hydra Island to do some recon because they are going to get on the airplane and fly it off the island. What if Sawyer gets in trouble? He's the best liar Smokey's ever seen.

Kate finally gets what's coming to her. Claire tries to kill her and Sayid just stares at her like a zombie. Locke comes in and plays the dad breaking up squabbling children. Locke defends Kate and says she took Aaron because she did what she had to do. He bitch slaps Claire and says she's being inappropriate.

Sawyer gets to Hydra and finds the plane and sees a pile of bodies. Some broad is running in the woods and Sawyer tackles her. I don't trust her. She asks all kinds of questions and Sawyer runs with it. As they are getting in the boat to head back Sawyer pulls a gun on her and says she's good but not that good. She whistles and a bunch of dudes with guns come out. Sawyer says take me to your leader.

Locke apologizes to Kate because he said he would take care of everybody with him and that includes Kate. Locke told Claire the Others took her baby because she needed something to live for. She needed someone to hate. Kate wants to know where Sawyer is and Locke takes her to the beach.

They have a discussion about crazy mothers. Locke is pretty upset by this. He had a crazy mother a long time ago and he is still working through his problems. Things would have been better if they were only different. Why is he telling Kate this? Because now Aaron has a crazy mother too. Claire finds Kate and says she's sorry. She gives Kate a hug. It seems like she means it.

Sawyer is taken towards the sub. They are putting up the sonar fence which will keep Smokey out. He gets on the sub and sees a locked door. Not sure what's inside. I hope its Desmond. Sawyer meets with Widmore and says he knows him as the man who sent the freighter to kill everyone. Widmore says something like "There is so much about this that you don't know." Apparently not curious in the least, Sawyer asks no follow up. Slate was very critical of this fact and I have to agree. Nobody on this show seems the least bit curious. Whenever we get some mysterious question like "you don't know the half of it," there is never a follow up. That is answer enough. I get why for storytelling purposes they don't do it, but I mean come on! You are on the most mysterious island in history and everyone seems to have no questions about it. Sawyer will bring Locke to Widmore as long as Widmore leaves Sawyer's friends alone and gets them off the island.

Sawyer goes back and tells Locke all about the plan because a deal's a deal. That night he tells Kate that he plans on letting Locke and Widmore fight it out and while they're distracted him and Kate are going to steal the sub and get off the island.


Ok so that's your quick recap. I don't have too many thoughts right now because whatever I write will probably change after tonight. I am really excited for Ab Aeterno tonight. We will finally learn more about Richard and his back story. I suspect that we will see Jacob and the Man in Black in the forms we first met them in The Incident. Hopefully we get a better understanding of the island after tonight. Enjoy!


  1. Finally. About six weeks ago, I stopped watching the actual episodes and now rely solely on your recaps. You left me hanging for too long.

  2. Also, how was it seeing Charlotte again? Lots of mixed feelings, huh? Let it out, bro.

  3. I always had a soft spot for Charlotte. I thought she got a raw deal. I also think that her and Sawyer were a strange coupling. Hopefully now that she is free of Sawyer, Dr. Change can set her up with one of his physics colleagues, perhaps Daniel Faraday?
