Monday, March 29, 2010

We're half way there

We just got through episode 9 of the 18 episode season. There's been a bit of scuttlebutt around the old internets about how some folks are upset that the writers haven't been answering our questions, even this late in the game.

With that in mind, I dug into my archives and pulled out my grand list of questions for the final season. Let's see how we're doing so far.

Smoke monster (Random thoughts: Why did it kill the pilot? Was it trying to kill Lapidus? Why didn't it kill Locke in season 1-and why did he see it as a white light? Where was it trying to take him-The Temple? Why did it kill Eko? Kate and Juliet also saw a white flash in Season 3, as an aside. It probably works for Jacob's enemy, but does Jacob have a smoke monster?)-Partially answered-The monster IS Jacob's enemy.

Adam and Eve - Not answered, WILL be answered

Whispers (Conversations by the Others? Jacob?)-ANSWERED-The others

Childbirth/Kids-Why can no kids be born on the Island? Why are children so important? - Not answered

Richard Alpert-Why doesn't he age? Where did he come from (Black Rock, probably)? COMPLETELY ANSWERED-Episode 6.09

Ben/Widmore-What did Widmore do to get kicked off the Island? Is he aligned with Jacob's enemy? Why can't Ben kill Jacob? What "war" is coming? What happened to Ben in the Temple? What is the temple? No, Partially answered, No, No, Partially answered, Answered

Random Island issues-Why can the Island move? Who built the Wheel? How did the US Army/the Dharma Initiative find the place? How can the Island resurrect dead bodies or make people see things from their lives? - No, No, ANSWERED (Jacob brought them), Partially Answered

Jacob-Who is he? Why does he fight with his enemy? - Partially answered

"The incident"-Did it change anything? - Partially Answered-THIS WILL DEFINITELY BE ADDRESSED.

It is pretty incredible that despite claims of others to the contrary, we've been given a TON of information. It is also incredible how I've been asking the wrong kind of questions-but we didn't have enough information to ask the right questions. The most important question of them all- "Why are you on this Island?"...a question whose answer we now know.

Furthermore, this just reinforces a theory I've been kicking around for a while, that Lost is a giant metaphor for Lost.

In season 2, as we know, the majority of the season centered around the pushing of the magical button. What happens when we stop pushing the button? We don't know. We have to have faith. Because when we lose that faith and stop losing that button, stop watching the show, a nuclear bomb goes off.

Or something. I don't know. This metaphor is falling apart pretty quickly.

Did I miss any big questions?


  1. Good stuff. I am having a problem seeing the picture or video or whatever was posted. It could just be a firewall at work, but is anyone else having trouble with it?

  2. no, when I click on the picture it says access denied, request expired. It could just be something with my work connection though.

  3. It's not working for me either (annoying.)

    Anyway, it's this.

  4. I think I fixed it. I just downloaded the picture and then inserted it as a photo. Hopefully it formatted correctly.
