Monday, March 1, 2010

A Note on Spoilers

So I just wanted to take a minute to talk about spoilers. Well specifically to talk about not talking about them. I know some people either like to or can't help themselves from readings spoilers about upcoming episodes. I for one prefer to go into an episode with only the knowledge gleaned from previous episodes. It's no fun already knowing about a big twist or plot point. I only mention this because the spoiler buzz has really heated up in the past week or so., which has a "Morning Spoilers" section, teased the link with "earth shattering Lost spoilers," so I obviously made sure to steer clear. For those who can't help it, that's your choice but I just ask that when you post you make no mention or reference to anything you might learn from these spoilers before the show actually airs.


  1. Completely agree, no more to say.

  2. Many apologies for not getting my recap up, I have been at court without internet all day. I will do my recap tonight and get it posted before 10.
